Malay vocabulary list - words you need to learn at home
Wanna know how to say "bedroom" in Malay? Read and spend 15 minutes to practise saying these words out loud.
Starting your journey of learning Malay at home will make it comfortable and pleasant. Write down these words on a bunch of Post-It notes. And then stick the words on the relevant objects and places.
- kemas, mengemas - to clean
- mandi - to shower
- sapu, menyapu - to sweep
- tonton, menonton - to watch
- tengok - to look
- bangun - to wake up
- cuci, mencuci - to wash
- basuh, membasuh - to wash
- buka, membuka - to open/to switch on
- tutup, menutup - to close/to switch off
- tinggi - tall
- rendah - short
- garang - fierce
- penyayang - loving
- senyap - quiet
- selesa - comfortable
- keras - hard
- lembut - soft
- meja - table
- kerusi - chair
- katil - bed
- bantal - pillow
- rak - shelf
- peti sejuk - refrigerator
- pintu - door
- tingkap - window
- bilik air - bathroom
- ruang tamu - living room
- dapur - kitchen
- bilik tidur - bedroom
Do you need help memorising these words? Get our interactive flashcards to speed up the process:
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