Malay vocabulary list - words to know while getting dressed
Wanna know how to say "sleeves" in Malay? Read and spend 15 minutes to practise saying these words out loud.
Let's learn how to describe your fashion taste. Write down these words on a bunch of Post-It notes. And then stick the words on the relevant objects and places.
- pakai, memakai - to wear
- cuba, mencuba - to try
- gosok, menggosok gigi - to brush teeth
- gosok, menggosok pakaian - to iron clothes
- solek, bersolek - to put on makeup
- gantung, menggantung - to hang
- pilih, memilih - to choose
- sikat, menyikat - comb
- jingga - orange
- merah jambu - pink
- besar - big
- kecil - small
- pendek - short
- panjang - long
- ketat - tight
- longgar - loose
- berkedut - wrinkled
- gigi - teeth
- rambut - hair
- pakaian - clothes
- baju - top/clothes
- seluar - pants, trousers
- pakaian seragam - uniform
- skirt - skirt
- jaket - jacket
- tudung - hijab
- rantai - necklace
- warna - colour
- saiz - size
- lengan - sleeves
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