Learn Malay
Dari vs daripada: 2 types of from
How to use 'dari' and 'daripada'? They have the same meaning, but the usage is different. Let's read and you'll know how to use them in no time.
Learn Malay
How to use 'dari' and 'daripada'? They have the same meaning, but the usage is different. Let's read and you'll know how to use them in no time.
Learn Malay
How to use 'tidak' and 'bukan'? You can learn the difference and impress your friends by reading this guide.
Learn Malay
What's the difference between 'saya' and 'aku'? What about 'kita' vs 'kami'? Let's read and apply it to our everyday life.
Learn Malay
How do we make a basic sentence in Malay?
Learn Malay
How do we use 'ialah' and 'adalah'? Read to learn the difference.
Learn Malay
Are you nervous to introduce yourself in Malay? Let's learn how to do it by reading this short dialogue.
Learn Malay
...here are a few tips to equip yourself with tools to learn Malay!