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Some monthly goodies for the insiders of Omerimbun!

Some monthly goodies for the insiders of Omerimbun!
Learn how to use "Tetapi" or "Tapi" in your daily conversations to perfect your spoken Malay!
⬆️ One of the first ever articles written on Omerimbun now has an accompanying video on YouTube. While listening to the audio, you can read the whole dialogue in Malay, its English translation, the informal or casual language version and also explanation of a few key vocabularies here ⤵️ Dialogue: Meeting New
1️⃣ buka: to open This versatile word can be used for physical objects and abstract topics. For example: buka pintu: open the door membuka mata: eye-opening 🪟 (To learn more words to use with buka, click here.) 2️⃣ pilih: to choose/to pick When you're having trouble because there
In this second chapter titled "Johan learns to spell", the pencil is narrating about what happens when Johan shows his work to Mom.