Malay vocabulary list - common words you hear at school

Wanna know how to say "laboratory" in Malay? Read and spend 15 minutes to practise saying these words out loud.

Malay vocabulary list - common words you hear at school

Let's learn how to describe your routine to excel in your studies. Write down these words on a bunch of Post-It notes. And then stick the words on the relevant objects and places.

  1. hadir, menghadiri - to attend
  2. belajar - to learn
  3. tulis, menulis - to write
  4. ajar, mengajarkan - to teach
  5. hafal, menghafal - to memorise
  6. selesaikan, menyelesaikan - to solve
  7. lihat, melihat - to look
  8. dengar, mendengar - to listen
  9. buat, membuat - to do
  10. bawa, membawa - to bring
  11. sabar - patient
  12. susah - difficult
  13. latihan - exercise
  14. bilik darjah - classroom
  15. rajah - diagram
  16. makmal - laboratory
  17. cikgu - teacher
  18. pelajar - student
  19. bekas pensel - pencil box/pencil case
  20. kuliah - lecture
  21. pelajaran - lesson, studies
  22. perhatian - attention
  23. soalan - question
  24. jawapan - answer
  25. papan hitam - blackboard
  26. kerja sekolah - homework
  27. buku teks - textbook
  28. peperiksaan - examination
  29. pembaris - ruler
  30. gunting - scissors

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